It is our belief that therapy business owners can have their cake and eat it too. What does that mean?
In the therapy world it means we believe you can take amazing care of your patients AND your employees AND still make a profit AND create a business that you can sell some day for a multiple of your bottom line.
Sound too good to be true? It’s not. It’s just not easy…which is why everybody doesn’t do it and where we come in.
When we were starting out, we would have given our firstborn to find somebody to help us through Executive Consulting and RCM on steroids. Luckily for our firstborns, there wasn’t anybody; luckily for you, we created PT Bottom Line.
If we decide together that hiring us for both Executive Consulting and Revenue Cycle Management is in your best interest, we will provide both services at a discounted rate utilizing our PTBL Premium plan.
This is a win-win as we both benefit from the increased efficiency and results of having our entire team integrated and working to help you grow your PTBL.
The PTBL Premium plan includes all services listed in our RCM and Executive Consulting plans, plus whatever add-on services you choose from the list below.